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33 - 39 Main Street Comprehensive Permit Application

(All application documents viewable below)

Most Recent at the top, updated 08.31.2021.

On Friday August 27, 2021 Medway Residential LP submitted a modification request to the Comprehensive Permit dated August 1, 2019.  All documents submitted are below:

On Wednesdsay May 20, 2020 the Zoning Board of Appeals voted to approve the final plans submitted for 39 Main Street, the approved set of plans can be found below. 

On Wednesday May 6, 2020 the Zoning Board of Appeals will hold an open meeting to review the Final Plans submitted on April 6, 2020 as well as a "Notice of Project Change" for a number of modification requests.  The Finals Plans are listed below as well as the letter. 

At the last meeting held on July 31, 2019 at 7:30pm at Sanford Hall at the Town Hall in Medway, MA. The Zoning Board of Appeals voted to GRANT SLV Medway I, LLC the Comprehensive Permit for 39 Main Street. The Final Decision can be found here.

Final site design plans were submitted on July 17, 2019.  

At the meeting that was held on Wednesday July 17, 2019 at 7:30pm at Sanford Hall at the Town Hall in Medway, MA. This meeting focused on discussing finalized plans. Revised Site Plans and a revised Operations and Maintenance Plan were submitted on June 26, 2019. The final Order of Conditions issued by the Medway Conservation Commission on July 16, 2019 can be found here

  • Revised Site Plans dated June 26, 2019 submitted by Legacy Engineering, LLC. 
  • Revised Operations and Maintenance Plan dated June 26, 2019 submitted by Legacy Engineering, LLC. 
  • letter from Legacy Engineering, LLC to the Zoning Board of Appeals regarding the revised plans. 
  • An updated letter was provided by The Design Review Committee Chairman Matt Buckley to the Zoning Board on July 11, 2019
  • Letter from Sergeant/Safety Officer Jeff Watson to Zoning Board dated July 17, 2019
  • Final Site Design Plans dated July 17, 2019 submitted by Geoff Engler 

During the meeting on Wednesday June 19, 2019 at 7:30pm at Sanford Hall at the Town Hall in Medway, MA.  This meeting focused on landscaping and architecture.  A list of documents related to this meeting are listed below.

  • Revised site plans dated June 10, 2019 were submitted. 
  • Stormwater report dated June 10, 2019 was submitted. 
  • letter from Legacy Engineering to the Conservation Comission dated June 14, 2019.
  • letter in response to DPS comments from Legacy Engineering from June 17, 2019.
  • revised review letter from Tetra Tech to the Conservation Commission dated June 19, 2019.
  • The powerpoint presentation from the June 19, 2019 meeting can be found here

At the meeting on Wednesday May 29, 2019 updated site plans were submitted dated May 29, 2019.  The revised site plans and other documents related to this meeting are listed below.

  • Revised site plans dated May 29, 2019. 
  • letter dated May 29, 2019 from Legacy Engineering, LLC was also submitted in response to Tetra Tech's initial review of the project. 
  • There was also a diagram to display where trash and bicycle racks will be located around the building submitted on May 29, 2019. 
  • revised review letter was submitted on June 10, 2019.

A meeting was held on Wednesday May 29, 2019 at 7:30pm at Sanford Hall at the Town Hall in Medway, MA. The meeting will focus on Civil Engineering, Site Design and other topics.  A letter was submitted by Deputy Chief, Michael Fasolino regarding fire hydrants, that can be viewed here

A meeting was held on Wednesday May 15, 2019 at 7:50pm.. This meeting focused on Traffic. 

  • review letter from Tetra Tech (the Town's consulting company) submitted on May 13, 2019. 
  • response letter was submitted from the Applicant's traffic consulting company Vanasse and Associates, Inc. on May 14, 2019 in response to Tetra Tech's letter. 
  • letter from an abutter dated May 11, 2019 was submitted. 
  • A sight triangle exhibit was submitted, that exhibit can be found here

The Public Hearing for the 39 Main Street Comprehensive Permit was opened on Wednesday April 24, 2019 at 7:30pm at Sanford Hall.  The presentation that was given by the Applicant SLV Medway I, LLC can be viewed here

Comments were provided to the Applicant by different Town Departments pertaining to the project.  Those comments can be found below:

Planning and Economic Development Board


Dept. of Public Services

Medway Fire Dept.

Design Review Committee

Affordable Housing Trust and Committee


Public Hearing (notice) to be held on April 24, 2019 7:30PM in Sanford Hall at the Town Hall in Medway, MA.

On Thursday April 4th, 2019 Legacy Engineering, LLC provided revised site plans dated March 26, 2019 (viewable here) and the Stormwater report dated March 26, 2019 (viewable here) to the Community and Economic Development Department. 


Description of Project 

The property at 39 Main Street in Medway, MA is a 12.3 acre parcel located proximate to commercial and retail concentrations in the Town of Medway.   The neighborhood features a variety of mixed uses including single family residential, retail, restaurants, business uses and a few small multi-family residential properties.  Currently, a single family house occupies the site.

The project will feature 190 apartment units comprised of a mix of 76 1BR units, 95 2BR units and 19 3BR units. The units will range in size from 825 SF to 1,225 SF.  The site will feature 304 surface parking spaces for a parking ratio of 1.6 spaces per unit.  The project is comprised of a single slabon-grade residential apartment building.  The building is a four / five floor split design in order to respect the Main Street frontage and corridor, even though the front of the building is several hundred feet back from Main Street and not particularly visible due to existing and planned vegetation.

The exterior architecture uses a clean contemporary approach to the traditional New England aesthetic/style and subtle massing.  Projected bays, trim accents at windows, material transitions, detailing, material color, and changes to the plane of the exterior walls all combine to visually reduce the mass of the building to a pedestrian-friendly scale. The exterior material palate includes a mix of cement board and cedar shakes as well as lap siding which introduces different textures and rhythms to the elevations. The project as a whole will feature flat roofs, which through centralized mechanical wells and location/parapet design respectively, will allow all mechanical systems to be installed without being visible from grade.

Within the residential areas, the typical floor plan for the first building provides access to units off a central double-loaded corridor that connects several egress stair cores. Typical one, two and three bedroom units are designed with spacious open kitchen/living areas, comfortable bedrooms and bathrooms, as well as large walk-in closets. Large windows provide abundant natural light at each unit. In addition to high-quality finishes and individual environmental control, each unit will contain modern energy-efficient appliances, in-unit laundry, and low-energy lighting fixtures, all of which combine to provide contemporary luxury with a traditional timelessness. 

Qualification as a 40B Development

The development qualifies as assisted “low or moderate income housing” within the meaning of Massachusetts General Laws Chapter 40B, section 20 and will provide 48 units (25.2%) which will serve households earning at or below 80% of area median income and thus will meet the definition of low and moderate income under the statute. The Applicant will develop this project pursuant to the guidelines of DHCD, as the Program Administrator of the Local Initiative Program (LIP) under which a project eligibility letter has been granted on March 6th 2019.  Preliminary architectural drawings and engineering plans are attached hereto in reduced form. 

Local Need

According to figures complied by the Massachusetts Department of Communities and Development (DHCD) as of September 8, 2018, Medway’s subsidized housing inventory represented 7.2% of its total housing stock, which is below the threshold requirements established under Chapter 40B of M.G.L.