The Inclusion, Diversity, and Equity Advisory (IDEA) Committee
The mission of the Medway Inclusion, Diversity & Equity Advisory (IDEA) Committee is to provide feedback and recommendations to the Select Board geared toward policy development designed to continue and where appropriate enhance the promotion and fostering of Medway as a community that is inclusive and welcoming to all peoples of all backgrounds, beliefs, and cultures. This mission statement shall in no way be construed to suggest that Medway does not excel in these efforts, but rather seeks to fully explore our standards, our practices, and our collective efforts today and to build upon them for an even better tomorrow.
As of May 1, 2023, the Select Board voted to continue this Advisory Committee to assist the Select Board with tasks which shall result in an annual report to the Select Board identifying accomplishments, progress, and areas of need related to the mission of the Committee. The Committee will be comprised of seven (7) Citizens-At-Large. Click here for Charge and Composition. Past members are listed below.
If you would like to participate in this Advisory Committee please submit your letter of interest to this email or to:
Select Board's Office, 155 Village St, Medway, MA 02053. Also please feel free to email our office ( or call (508.533.3264) with any questions about volunteering.
Email us at
Our Definitions
For the purpose of our work, the IDEA Committee has defined Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion as follows:
- Diversity is the presence of differences within our community
- Equity is the opportunity for equal outcomes for all
- Inclusion is fostering a community where everyone belongs