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Proposed Exelon Expansion

This page contains all documents, reports and links associated with Exelon’s proposed expansion of its electrical power generating capacity, including the presentation that was made at the October 21 public forum hosted by the Town of Medway.  Thank you to all that attended to learn more about the project and to express your thoughts and concerns.  Exelon’s petition to expand is currently before the Energy Facilities Siting Board (EFSB), which will make the decision whether to allow the expansion and, if approved, any conditions placed on its permit.  The EFSB’s decision is anticipated in the spring of 2016.  If approved, Exelon would begin the construction process to be able to offer the additional electrical power in 2018. 

If you have any questions or comments after reviewing the information presented here, please share them with the Board of Selectmen at

Information about Exelon's proposed expansion can be found on the Energy and Environmental Affairs' website.  Click on the link below to see all filings with the Energy Facility Siting Board related to Exelon's petition.  Input the docket # (EFSB15-01) where prompted.  The filings are in reverse chronological order.

Energy & Environmental Affairs
Docket Number: EFSB15-01