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Pursuant to Massachusetts General Law for Public Records Requests (M. G. L. Chapter 121) the Town of Medway provides the following information and guidelines regarding public records requests. 

Records Access Officer (“RAO”): Stefany Ohannesian
Phone: 508-533-3204; Fax: (508) 321-4988; Email:
Address: 155 Village Street, Medway, Ma 02053

Our website provides an abundance of public information and we strongly encourage the use of the search feature to find the desired material. Please click here to search for the desired information before making a Public Records request.

Public Records Guidelines:

The following documents maintained by the Town will be made available pursuant to the requirements of the Public Records Law and subject to statutory exemption: all books, papers, maps, photographs, recorded tapes, financial statements, statistical tabulations, or other documentary materials or data, regardless of physical form or characteristics, made or received by any officer or employee of any agency, executive office, department, board, commission, bureau, division or authority of the Town  or any person, corporation, association, partnership or other legal entity which receives or expends public funds for the payment or administration of pensions for any current or former employees of the Town.  

Examples of Public Records held and maintained by the Town are as follows: Minutes from meetings, applications, submissions to boards and committees, town financial information, town correspondence, bylaws, policies regulations, business certificates, permits, licenses and contracts.

Examples of Pubic Records NOT held by the Town; Certificates of Organization or Incorporation maintained by the Massachusetts Secretary of State’s Office, deeds, or court records.

How to make a public records request:

We strongly encourage the use of the search feature to find the desired material within our website. Please click here to search for the desired information before making a Public Records request.

Public Records Requests may be made in one of the following manners:

  1. Orally in person to the RAO
  2. In writing delivered to the RAO
  3. Delivered to the RAO via first class mail, electronic mail or facsimile.
  4. By completing the online form submission below.

The RAO or delegate will respond to the Public Records Request within ten (10) business days. Costs associated with the production of requested materials may be assessed at a rate of $.05 per page and $25 per hour (for requests requiring extensive research over two hours).

Public Records Request Form