Medway Hazard Mitigation Plan (HMP) Update
The Town of Medway experiences natural hazard impacts including flooding and increasingly frequent and severe storms. To prepare for these hazards, the Town was awarded funding from the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) to update Medway’s 2018 Hazard Mitigation Plan (HMP). By completing this project, the Town will be eligible to apply for federal FEMA grants to support the implementation of hazard mitigation projects.
Medway’s HMP Update project includes the following work:
- Convening a Local Team of municipal officials who provide key input on local hazard areas, critical facilities, hazard mitigation goals, and mitigation measures
- Updating information from the previous HMP; including hazard profiles, critical facility inventory, hazard vulnerability, mitigation goals, existing mitigation measures, recommended future mitigation measures, and the plan maintenance process
- Engaging residents through two public meetings, webpage content, social media posts, and a public comment period for the draft report
- Review and approval of the final plan by the Massachusetts Emergency Management Agency (MEMA) and FEMA
Want to be part of the process? Take these quick steps!
- If you have any questions or comments, please email Stephanie Carlisle, Sustainability Coordinator, at
- Attend the Medway Select Board meeting on December 4th at 7pm to hear the presentation of the draft Hazard Mitigation Plan Report:
Join in person at Sanford Hall, Town Hall (155 Village St)
Members of the public may watch the meeting on:
*Medway Cable Access - Channel 11 on Comcast Cable
*Medway Cable Access - Channel 35 on Verizon Cable
*Hazard Mitigation Plan 2023 Update
Stay tuned for more opportunities for engagement!