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Tentative Plans

Update-November, 2016

The Department of Public Services evaluation of all roads and sidewalks in Medway is complete.  The Department is now scheduling and planning work for this season.  Plans to be finalized with the Town Administrator and Board of Selectmen.  At present, plans call for the following:

  • Reconstruction of RT 109 from Holliston Street to Franklin/Highland Streets.  This is a State project.  On-going.  Season ending around 12/31/2016.  Restart in Spring, 2017.
  • Reconstruction of sidewalks on School Street.  Services a local church and playground and is in very poor condition.   Ongoing to end by 12/1/16.
  • Reconstruction of Sanford Street.  Poor road condition, high traffic volume, and is a gateway road to the Town.  2016 work complete.  Spring work includes sidewalk, guardrail, and fencing repairs.
  • Village Street from High to Millis line now being reconsidered for some mid-term repairs.  RT 109 project to be 3 years.  Village Street will need work before that time.  Also, culvert repair at 264 Village Steet being planned before major RT 109 work.  COMPLETE
  • Defer work Brentwood area until water main replacement project is completed (planned 2017).
  • Repair Winthrop Street drainage culvert near Maple Street.  Sub-surface work.  Deteriorating condition.  Substantially complete.
  • Azalea Drive chip seal and miscellanious repairs post road acceptance.  COMPLETE
  • Reconstruct Memory Lane.  Substantially complete.
  • Reconstruct Oak Street.  Substantially complete.
  • Hill Street drainage improvements.  Ongoing to end by 12/1/16.
  • Milford Street crackseal.  COMPLETE