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Permit & Fees

Smoke & Carbon Monoxide

$50.00 per Residential Unit

Residential Building Plan Review & Permit for either sprinkler or fire alarm


Commercial Building Plan Review & Permit for either spinkler or fire alarm


Buidling Plan Review- Storage Uses


Fire Permits- Fire protection system modification


Fire Permits- Blasting


Fire Permits- Cannon & Mortar Firing


Fire Permits- Cutting & Welding


Fire Permits- Dust Explosion Prevention


Fire Permits- Explosives


Fire Permits- Oil burning equipment 


UST Installations


UST Removals


Annual Permit Flammable & Combustible Liquids Storage 11-20 gal

No Fee

Annual Permit Flammable & Combustible Liquids Storage  21-1000 gal


Annual Permit Flammable & Combustible Liquids Storage 1001-10,000 gal


Annual Permit Flammable & Combustible Gases Storage  <3000 cubic ft

No Fee

Annual Permit Flammable & Combustible Gasses Storage >3,001-15,000 cubic ft


Open Burning Apply through Citizenserve

No Fee

Quarterly or Annual Inspections


Site Plan Review


Tank Truck/Transfer truck


Vehicle Accidents- Fire Apparatus Response


False Alarm


Fire Reports


All other permits


How do I apply for a permit/certification and schedule an inspection?

Click here for the application through Citizenserve. Once your application is processed in Citizenserve, contact our office at (508)-533-3211 to schedule an inspection.


When is Burning Season?

January 15 through May 1, every year. However, the Fire Chief or the State Fire Warden reserve the right to cancel burning on any given day at their discretion.


How do I get a burning permit?

Click here for the application through Citienserve.  At this time, there is no charge for burning permits. After you get your permit, you will be required to activate your permit number each and every time that you burn by calling the dispatcher at (508) 533-3209. You may burn between 9am - 4pm, however, the Fire Chief or the State Fire Warden has the right to cancel burning at any given time.

Monday 7:30am to 5:30 PM
Tuesday - Thursday 7:30am to 4:30pm
Friday 7:30am to 12:30pm