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Do I need permission to work in the roadway or at the road edge?

Yes. Per the Town of Medway By-Law Section 12.9, any work planned in the right-of-way, whether on the pavement, sidewalk, or grass area off the pavement, all require a street opening permit. This is also true for new driveway openings or when re-building driveways at the right-of-way. Roads and sidewalks are laid out in a public right-of-way owned by the Town. These rights-of-way usually run from 50 to 60 feet wide. Pavement is usually set in the middle of the right-of-way, but extends no more than 40 feet in width typically. The permit application and fee structure is set by the DPW. We also publish Street Standards governing how the work is performed. Applicants must possess suitable insurance protecting the Town of Medway from liability to be issued a street opening / roadway access permit.