Tax Bills will be going out on January 1st. Abatement applications are available on line or in the office. Abatement applications are accepted from January 1st up through February 1st, 2017. The applications must be received by the February 1st, 2017 date or postmarked February 1st, 2017. Fiscal Year 2017 values are based on sales that occurred during calendar year 2015. There is a list of the sales available in the Assessor’s office. If any need assistance with the application or would like to have the Assessor’s office to review their value with them, please feel free to set up an appointment with Donna Greenwood the Principal Assessor at 508-208-9167.
Form of List have been mailed to all business in town. The Forms are list are due back to the Assessor’s office no later than March 1st. If you have and questions filling out this form, please feel free to contact the Assessor’s office at 508-208-9167.
The Assessor’s Office will be conducting cyclical inspections for business personal property during the months of December and January.
Income and Expense form will be mailed on January 1st. These forms are mailed to the owners of all commercial and Industrial properties. They must be completes and returned to the Assessor’s office by April 1st to avoid penalties.