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Avian Bird Flu

An important message from the Medway Board of Health:

State Officials Suspect HPAI Outbreak Impacting Geese and Other Wildlife -

State environmental and health officials are informing the public that Highly Pathogenic Avian Influenza (HPAI), which very rarely infects humans, is suspected to be the cause of over 60 deceased Canada geese, swans, and other birds in Plymouth. The Division of Fisheries and Wildlife (MassWildlife), the Massachusetts Department of Agricultural Resources (MDAR), and the Massachusetts Department of Public Health (DPH) are advising the public to refrain from handling birds or other animals that are dead or appear sick. Read the full press release:

Report observations of dead wild birds:

MassWildlife is collecting information on wild birds to monitor possible outbreaks of Avian Influenza. We particularly interest sick/dead seabirds washing up along coastal areas. Please complete the form and include a photo if possible.

When to report:

• If you find sick or dead seabirds (i.e., gulls, terns, cormorants, sea ducks)

• If you find five or more wild birds of other species at a single location

Poultry Disease Reporting Form:

This form should be used to report sickness or death in DOMESTIC poultry, such as chickens, turkeys, gamebirds, pigeons, guinea fowl, and domestic ducks and geese.

How to Report Sick or Dead Birds:

This form should only be used to report sickness or death in DOMESTIC poultry. You may submit the information below through this form OR by calling the Division of Animal Health at 617-626-1795. The Animal Health Staff division will contact you with more details as needed.

Please visit MDAR's Avian Influenza webpage for more information:

People with questions about the public health impact of HPAI can visit DPH’s Avian Influenza webpage or call the Division of Epidemiology (available 24/7) at 617-983-6800.