Matt recently completed two years of training to become Medway’s first Certified Paramedic. The department is in the process of adding four additional full-time firefighter/paramedics as we move forward as a Community to the Advanced Life Support service level through Medway Fire. In addition, two current Medway Call-Firefighters are enrolled in paramedic training at this time, with an additional two to begin in July. Medway Fire operated today at the Basic Life Support service level as we rely upon third-party vendors and neighboring communities to provide ALS services when they are available to do so. With the addition of Fire Department Paramedics, the Town will soon begin the process of applying for State licensure to provide Advanced Life Support thereby bringing a higher level of care to our Community within a faster response time. We congratulate Matt and look forward to welcoming our new Firefighter/Paramedics in the coming months.