Would you like to expand your knowledge of environmental issues? Do you care about the protection of the Medway’s natural resources? Are you someone who likes the outdoors, takes walks in the woods, favors open space? Do you like being a part of interesting discussions and decision-making? If you have answered yes to any of these questions, you might be just the person to fill the vacancies on the Medway’s Conservation Commission.
The Commission’s chief responsibility is administering and enforcing the Massachusetts Wetlands Protection Act and the Medway General Bylaw Article XXI and its Regulations. The Commission reviews work projects proposed to take place within 100 feet of wetlands and 200 feet of perennial streams to ensure protection of the important benefits wetlands provide. The Commission also acquires and manages open space for the protection of natural resources and the enjoyment of townspeople.
The Medway Conservation Commission comprises seven residents who are appointed by the Selectmen for three-year terms. The responsibilities of a Commissioner include attending about two evening meetings a month (the Commission currently meets on 2nd and 4th Thursday nights of the month), as well as attending Commission site visits (which also average about twice a month) to inspect proposed development sites and violations.
The new Commission member will be offered opportunities for training sessions through Massachusetts Association of Conservation Commissioners (MACC) to become knowledgeable about wetlands resources and the laws protecting them.
To apply, please send a letter of interest with a resume and any other relevant information to the Town of Medway, Board of Selectmen and Conservation Commission, 155 Village Street, MA 02053; Email to bgraziano@townofmedway.org or apotter@townofmedway.org