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Medway Awarded Energy Savings Improvement Funds

On June 28, 2016 the Massachusetts Department of Energy Resources (DOER) presented the Town of Medway $216,577 for energy saving improvements.  The Town will use the funds on four projects:  finish retrofitting its existing streetlights with LED fixtures that use up to 60% less energy; replace the existing lighting at Medway’s Public Library and Fire Station #1; and, install an energy management system at the Medway Police Department’s headquarters building, which will help regulate heating and cooling.

In addition to the state funding the Town will also receive approximately $33,000 in rebates from electric and gas utilities.  Work will begin in the late summer with completion expected before the end of the year.  The projects will save about 133,000 kilowatt hours of electricity and 1,800 therms of natural gas and are expected to result in an annual savings of $25,800.  This is the second Competitive Grant round the Town has won after the initial grant funding when Medway was designated as a Green Community in 2010.