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Medway Cultural Council is excited to announce Project M!

What is Project M?

It's a community art project and fundraiser designed to showcase local businesses and organizations and promote cultural engagement. We will be distributing 12" paper mache letter "M"s to decorate. You can use paint, duct tape, glitter, magazine clippings, photos, crayons, glitter, stickers - whatever inspires you! Just let us know you're interested, and we'll get you an "M" to decorate. We're suggesting a $20 donation for non-profit groups, and $50 for businesses. 

Who can participate?

Local businesses, clubs, sports teams, committees, groups, and families, with a love for Medway, are all invited to join in on the fun. Even if you're thinking "I'm not very artsy", that's okay! Our goal is broad representation of our Medway community, and cultural engagement - we're not expecting artistic masterpieces! 

Where will my artwork be displayed?

When your piece is complete, we'll collect the finished products, document them for posterity, and display them at community locations around town. 

When does the fun begin?

Letters are available now! We'd like to have all the pieces collected and on display by early November. 

(PLUS - all participating artists will be entered into a random drawing to win a sundae bar for ten people, valued at $60, from TC Scoops!!)   

To participate, please send an email to: with the following information:

Name and/or Company:

Delivery Address:

Best time for delivery:

Please choose one: 

I'd like my M returned when the displays are complete


I'll donate my M to Medway Cultural Council for future use and/or fundraising

We can accept donation checks made payable to Medway Cultural Council at the time of delivery.