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Medway Friends of the Performing Arts - New Volunteer Opportunities Available!

Do you have an interest in supporting music and theater programs in the Medway Public Schools? Do you have a child who is joining or returning to a school music, band, chorus, or theater class? Would you like to play a part in enriching and enhancing your child’s school music and theater education?

We have just the place: Medway Friends of the Performing Arts!

MFPA’s mission is to promote excellence and broaden student participation in the Medway Public Schools K-12 music and theater programs. We work with administrators, teachers, parents, students, and community members to determine how to support the non-budget needs of music classes, performing ensembles, musicals, and the Medway Community Education private lesson program.

MFPA was pleased to fund over $6,000.00 of needs in 2017-2018, including financial aid for private lesson program students, donations to high school and middle school musicals, bus transportation for two MHS music department trips, a new drum set for the middle school, makeup kits for the middle school musical, two snare drums for Memorial School, and iPad storage and apps for Memorial School music classes. Each year we also host a reception for Tri-M Society inductees, provide volunteers to help teachers with events, and produce a free Community Concert. We are looking forward to another successful year supporting students and programs.

MFPA is always in need of new members and volunteers at any level, from volunteering at an event, to contributing ideas or planning an event, to serving as a board member or officer. If you would like to help, feel free to send us an email or join us at any meeting.

Meetings are held September through June on the second Tuesday of each month at 7:30 pm in the Alumni Conference Room at Medway High School. They are a great place to meet other music and theater parents and guardians, share ideas, and celebrate successes.

If you would like to receive occasional email information about MFPA activities or volunteer, please click on this link.

For further information please email

Like us on Facebook at MedwayFriendsOfPerformingArts.

Support MFPA by shopping here on Amazon Smile.