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Medway Holiday Fund

This morning Lt. McSweeney, School Resource Officer, Bob O'Neill and volunteer Medway students met at Market Basket in Bellingham to pick up turkeys and all the fixings to be delivered to local Medway families for the upcoming holiday.  Throughout the day today, police officers and students will be hand-delivering meals to Medway families in need.  Thank you for all the generous donations that we have received over the past few weeks that have made today possible.  We will continue to accept donations as we enter the Christmas holiday season.  

The Medway Holiday Fund has been in existence for over 50 years and in the past has been fully funded by the generosity of anonymous donations.  

If you are interested in donating to this worthy cause, please stop by the Medway Police Department or mail a check to:

Medway Police Department

Attn: Chief Allen Tingley

315 Village Street

Medway, MA 02053

Checks should be made out to: Medway Holiday Fund