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⚠️ Emergency Alert 02-25-2025: Recycling Center changes will become effective on March 3, 2025.

Route 109 update for the week of July 10, 2017

Next week:

The contractor will continue installing and connecting catch basins to the main line drainage and digging out drainage cross trenches for permanent patching.  They will also be installing conduit for street lights and traffic light crossings.  

Later this month:

The contractor will be reclaiming the road from Mechanic Street to Pond Street, including full depth milling in sections.  Prior to applying overlay and binder, sections of the road will be gravel for several weeks.  It is expected that this work and driving conditions will cause delays to traffic that may be longer than those experienced to date.

The Massachusetts Department of Transportation and the contractor make every effort to inform the Town about upcoming milestones on a weekly basis.  This is subject to availability of materials and crews, equipment performance, and the weather.  Given these factors and the number of parties involved, including utility companies, it is next to impossible to predict precise dates/times/locations for new milestones.  The Town is committed to keeping residents and businesses as informed as possible about this project.