Posted on: August 9, 2024 - 9:27am
The Select Board will meet on Monday, August 12, 2024, at 7:00 pm. All are welcome to attend the meeting, which will take place at Town Hall, 155 Village Street. Agenda items include recognizing Hannah Furno, Dispatch Supervisor, and Moose for their community support and the authorization to expend grant funds (911 support and incentive grant/911 training grant). The meeting will include a discussion on the potential establishment of a Local Historic District and the potential of joining in on an inter-municipal agreement for shared housing services. The approval of the IDEA Committee to put survey signs on town property and to include an insert in the water/sewer/trash bills about the survey. Contract approvals with Woodard & Curran for stormwater control measures and permit compliance efforts. Other items include a discussion on the solid waste enterprise fund, 120 Main Street cleanup and facility design project, the potential use of 123 Holliston St. by the Parks and Recreation Department, Medway Energy Center Host Community Agreement, the approval of the Medway Lions to put an insert in the water/sewer/trash bills, and open the November 12 Fall Town meeting warrant.
Read the complete agenda here.