The Town of Medway seeks public participation in the update of their seven-year Open Space and Recreation Plan
The Town of Medway’s Open Space and Recreation Plan Task Force is updating the Town’s Open Space and Recreation Plan to guide the Town in how it should protect, maintain and improve its open spaces, parks, natural areas, and recreational facilities. Medway’s last Open Space and Recreation Plan (OSRP) was written in 2010, and is required to be updated every seven years. Town staff and Task Force members are undertaking the revision efforts necessary for the update, but public involvement in the process is sought to better understand the needs of the community, and to meet the requirements of the Massachusetts Executive Office of Energy and Environmental Affairs, the state agency that approves OSRPs.
The community opinion survey is available online at
Paper copies of the survey are available at: Medway Town Hall, Medway Public Library, and the Medway Senior Center. The survey will close on October 30, 2017.
As an additional forum of outreach, a Community Forum will be held on Tuesday, October 3rd at 7 pm at the Thayer House, 2B Oak Street to gather community input on the community’s vision for open space and recreational resources in Medway. The public is invited and encouraged to attend.
What is an Open Space and Recreation Plan?
An Open Space and Recreation Plan is a tool that helps a municipality maintain and enhance all the benefits of open space that together make up much of the character of a town and protect the “green infrastructure” of the community. Planning this “green infrastructure” of water supply, land, working farms and forests, viable wildlife habitats, parks, recreation areas, trails, open space and greenways is as important to the economic future of a community as planning for schools, roads, water, and wastewater infrastructure. With a current plan approved by the Massachusetts Executive Office of Energy and Environmental Affairs, municipalities are eligible to apply for numerous state grants to help fund open space and recreation projects and programs.
Who is the Open Space and Recreation Task Force?
A seven member Task Force was appointed by the Planning and Economic Development Board to oversee the development of the plan update in conjunction with Medway’s Community and Economic Development Department and the Medway Department of Public Services. Members represent the Open Space Committee, Conservation Commission, Planning and Economic Development Board, Board of Selectmen, Board of Parks Commissioners, School Committee, and an at-large private citizen.
For more information – Please contact Susan Affleck-Childs, Medway Planning and Economic Development Coordinator, 508-533-3291.